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Productivity v.s. COVID-19

With the whole social distancing push and many being quarantined due to Covid-19, I have noticed a lot of articles highlighting ways to be productive. And with so many unanswered questions around job security, childcare and just being able to survive day to may not FEEL like being productive. Maybe you are still trying to cope with all the sudden changes and the best you can do right now is shower and show up at home. I just want to tell you today that its OK. For someone who has struggled with anxiety, I have realized there is no right way to cope and I can't compare myself to others. (And definitely not the "best self" posts you see on social media) All I can do is focus on the tasks that make me feel good about myself as a mother and a wife. So here's my 2 cents: watch the movie you've always wanted to watch. Spend time with the family doing things that are healthy and make you feel good and stay "prayed up" for yourself and others. This too shall pass.


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